Portrait of Frida’s Family, 1950-1954 Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo 9 Frida Kahlo Paintings 9 Portrait of Frida’s Family, 1950-1954 Frida Kahlo
Portrait of Frida's Family 1950-1954 Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo’s family painting

Frida Kahlo painted this painting shortly after Hitler banned interracial marriages in Nuremberg. Just as the Nazis used family trees to prove the purity of their blood, Frida uses it to claim her “mixed” origins. In the center we see his parents on their wedding day. Guillermo Kahlo, Frida’s father, was German of Jewish origin, which is why he paints his paternal grandparents above the sea (as emigrants). Matilde, Frida’s mother, was Mexican, with an Indian father and a mother of Spanish origin. Frida places them on the earth, which symbolizes Mexico.

Frida Kahlo Family Tree

The artist appears represented three times. The first in the form of an egg and sperm, at the time of fertilization (lower left); the second as a fetus inside its mother’s womb; and the third as a girl, in the courtyard of the blue house in Coyoacán, where she lived practically all her life.