Portrait of Lupe Marín, 1929 Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo 9 Frida Kahlo Paintings 9 Portrait of Lupe Marín, 1929 Frida Kahlo
Portrait of Lupe Marín 1929 Frida Kahlo

Portrait of Lupe Marin by Frida Kahlo

This portrait shows Lupe Marin, who was Diego Rivera’s second wife, who were married from 1922 to 1927 and had two children together. Their relationship ended with a divorce due to Diego’s infidelity with Tina Modotti, a photographer. In 1929 Frida and Diego got married and it was at that moment that Frida and Lupe Marin became friends and began to spend time together. The two of them used to go shopping together and Lupe taught Frida how to make the dishes Diego liked the most. To repay him and show him esteem, Frida painted this portrait for him. Today we only have a black and white image of this painting because Lupe Marín, after a fight with Frida Kahlo, destroyed this illustration out of her fury. His grandson claimed that he cut the painting with scissors and later regretted it.